Monday, July 13, 2009

Obsoletely Male

I borrowed the heading from Sunday Times of India ( 12 july 2009) article titled WATER COOLER moment - it was supposed to be a pun on the news that scientists have invented a procedure to create sperm cells from stem cells and that would mean the men would not be needed anymore.

Almost all the articles that I have come across on this topic laments this fact or rather grumbles on this fact but not this one.
The article- pun in cheek -writes that women traits are happening - better EQ so better team players ,better listeners so better managers and even better shoppers and then suddenly the article counter argues that a girl cannot choose all the lovable features of a particular man from stem cells and eventually we all need love .

The article is brilliantly written with everything so subtly put into a single precise column - hats off to the thought process and the editing !!

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